Tuesday 23 October 2012

Logo Design

Spray Painting Garage and Body Work Company Logo

Black and white 3 Sample Examples

Selected and Colored

Red and Blue Choice

Red and Green Choice 

Logo Design

Trade and Investment Logo

Black and white


Logo Designs

Muana Kalucazi Logo
Ngangela Fashion trend

Wednesday 26 September 2012


You can Dress up a dog in a Sheep's Skin but a
pig will never fit in it 

Meaning - A evil or an enviers person can never
stay pretend doing good to people for an hour.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Picture mini retouch

Picture mini retouch

Photo filter Over lay blending

Photo filter,hue saturation,  Over lay, and hue blending

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Record /Music Studio logo

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3

I did this logos for The House of legends Music and they Choose Logo 3 :-) pay check
I got it, hey don't re use this ima sue you its copy written.

Friday 17 August 2012


Demonstration Of Namibian Broadcaster NBC Not working for the whole week  

Sunday 29 July 2012


Angola Adidas Shades

vote for this Design on Talent house

Laebo_Heroes CD Covers


Front cover

Back Cover

Funny adverts

Telecom Namibia Advert

Comrades birthday wishes 

Sponsored pages designs

This Pages where Never used or published 
they are available for usage to any wedding shop can grab them.

contact me if interested.

Shop Sales Advert

Run way
Official men wear shop

Graphic and Photography by Louis Ndala

Vuuyo Johnson CD Covers

Vuuyo Johnson Nga yange njiuahiko

Front cover booklet
Front cover Inside booklet

Back Cover

Laebo _CD Covers

Laebo_Lost Identity

Front Cover

Back Cover

Independence adverts

The following Adverts where already published and already paid for
so they can't be used for the second time
you can always talk to me then i work out new ideas



Eclipse investments

Groot Fontein









ster kinakor

                                       Already published 

Valentines clubs, bars & restaurant's adverts